American flags waving in the wind

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

The First Amendment – Freedom of Speech

September 13, 2017

 To: The White House -
       Federal Bureau of Investigation -

By Oscar Y. Harward

Many American left-wingers are using psychological and physical abuse, violence, looting, and burning, etc. on Americans’ lives and their properties in efforts to openly prevent conservative speakers from lecturing and advocating conservative issues.  Radical left-wingers are disallowing many American citizens’ conservatives from hearing these orations.

Protect our Constitution. Radical left-wing activists should and must be stopped; especially on University campuses’, additional public properties, and any at other locations.  Preserve our Constitutional’s ‘Freedom of Speech’.

Solution: May I propose President Trump, AG, Jeff Sessions, and the FBI protecting our citizens’ rights; investigate, prosecute, and convict the violators.

1.     Write a letter to each effective University Presidents and other campus leaders advising that the US Government will protect America’s university campus properties and its students, along with all USA citizens.

2.     Government law-enforcement officials should advise University Presidents that part of their job is to protect the students, and the citizens of the USA as referred in Item #1.  It is the personal and professional responsibility of the University Presidents and other leaders to use their own police force and others, as may apply.

3.     Failure in protecting their university campus and other public and private properties, its law-abiding students, and the entire citizens on campus will emphasize University Presidents themselves, that their own police force and others as may be required, may lead to investigations, prosecutions, and convictions of their violations under Constitutional law, the First Amendment, and any other violations of US Code, as may apply.

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